Good morning world.!!!

    Today I woke up at 5am I have no clue why I went to sleep after talking to Matt for like 5 minutes it was 10:50p. We had a little fight and i just was tired and seriously upset. So I decided to sleep. LOL. Anyway, back to this morning. I woke up to the cold, and a bird at my window chirping. He or she does that everyday at the same time. I then said hey little birdie if you want to really live please shut up and go away. It kept doing it then I went to the window and asked it politely and it shut up and went away. After that I was awake. I seriously wanted to sleep, but I watched a Disney movie named spirit. It was an okay cartoon movie thing. The horse just spoke horse pretty much all the movie. I must say it's a tear jerker, I swear i cried for like 20 minutes. I never really cry over stuff like that.
    I've been watching the stupid news since 5 as well. Who in the hell sends out party invitations over Facebook? some stupid person who's turning 15 did that in Great Britain. Give me a break 21,000 people responded. Wow seriously, you need to get a bigger venue lmfao. She cancelled the party, but everyone knows where she lives since she put her address on the thing. Dude people need brains.  I also had so much energy this morning I did the dishes, emptied the dishwasher, made myself some breakfast, took out the garbage, and made my bed. I still have to get dressed, and brush my teeth and do my hair. okay, my alarm clock went off sheesh. Time to be awake.... Well i'll try to write tonight... But no promises. Working tomorrow 4p-9p.


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